Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Cornaciu
We have no records about Cornaciu being used as firstname.
De achternaam Cornaciu wordt minstens 109 keer gebruikt in ten minste 2 landen. (Canada,Romania)
Chinese: 科尔纳丘 (pinyin: kē ěr nà qiū)
Gegeven namen
Mariana Cornaciu (6) Constantin Cornaciu (5) Maria Cornaciu (5) Mina Cornaciu (5) Ilie Cornaciu (4) Elena Cornaciu (4) Iulian Cornaciu (4) Marian Cornaciu (4) Nicolae Cornaciu (3) Mihail Cornaciu (3) Ion Cornaciu (3) Aurel Cornaciu (3) Gheorghe Cornaciu (3) Ioana Cornaciu (2) Petre Cornaciu (2) Mihai Cornaciu (2) Mendel Cornaciu (2) Gigi Cornaciu (2) Petrisor Cornaciu (2) Constanta Cornaciu (2) Anisia Cornaciu (2) Zorita Cornaciu (2) Gherghina Cornaciu (2) Aurelia Cornaciu (2) Vasilica Cornaciu (1) Nicolita Cornaciu (1) Vasile Cornaciu (1) Ruxandra Cornaciu (1) Stelian Cornaciu (1) Nuta Cornaciu (1) Valentin Cornaciu (1) Irina Cornaciu (1) Eugenia Cornaciu (1) Doru Cornaciu (1) Andrei Cornaciu (1) Alina Cornaciu (1) Florian Cornaciu (1) Georgian Cornaciu (1) Liviu Cornaciu (1) Alexandru Cornaciu (1) Grigore Cornaciu (1) Mirela Cornaciu (1) |
Cornaciu reversed is Uicanroc
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Aoricnuc Ounicrac
Misspells: Cornociu Colnaciu Corrnaciu Cornacyu Cornacju Cornaceu Cornaciua Cronaciu Cornacui Cornaicu
Rijmen: yahoo manu fondu impromptu
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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![Greece:1 Greece](/img/Greece-flag.png)
Domeinen - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE | Old Wiki Name: cornaciu Gender: Masculine Location: Europe Language: Romanian Thematic: Unknown Thematic Meaning: Is an Romanian name derived from Cornutu an old Ceausescu's spy.He was killed with stones after the fall of comunist regim. Comments: |
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