Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Coribello

We have no records about Coribello being used as firstname.
De achternaam Coribello wordt minstens 30 keer gebruikt in ten minste 3 landen.
Chinese: 科里贝洛 (pinyin: kē lǐ bèi Luò)

      Surname Coribello
Gegeven namen
Angela Coribello (2)
Lucio Coribello (2)
Giuseppe Coribello (2)
Giorgio Coribello (2)
Roberto Coribello (2)
Antonio Coribello (2)
Vincenzo Coribello (1)
Massimo Coribello (1)
Luigi Coribello (1)
Alberto Coribello (1)
Vincenza Coribello (1)
Cosimo Coribello (1)
Salvatore Coribello (1)
Leonardo Coribello (1)
Chiara Coribello (1)

Coribello   Coribello   

Coribello reversed is Ollebiroc
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.

Anagrams: Coirloleb Croblielo Leolricbo Lreolocbi
Misspells: Colibello Corribello Corybello Corjbello Corebello Coribelloa Croibello Coribelol

Rijmen: Costello Donatello Monticello Othello Pirandello Uccello bordello cello bellow playfellow schoolfellow

Meaning of this name is unknown.
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