Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Colani

We have no records about Colani being used as firstname.
De achternaam Colani wordt minstens 32 keer gebruikt in ten minste 7 landen.
Chinese: 科拉尼 (pinyin: kē lā ní)

      Surname Colani
Gegeven namen
Marcello Colani (3)
Salvatore Colani (2)
Raimondo Colani (2)
Philippe Colani (1)
Livio Colani (1)
Florence Colani (1)
Serge Colani (1)
Luigi Colani (1)
Victor Colani (1)
Claus Colani (1)
Claudia Colani (1)
Arturo Colani (1)
Sergio Colani (1)
Flavio Colani (1)
Fabio Colani (1)
Roberto Colani (1)
Luciano Colani (1)
Nicola Colani (1)
Giovanni Colani (1)
Pietro Colani (1)
Ariella Colani (1)

Colani   Colani   

Colani reversed is Inaloc
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Ocalin Olaicn Calnoi Lconai Olcain Clonia Naiclo
Misspells: Coloni Colany Colanj Colane Colania Cloani Colain Colnai

Rijmen: Fulani Liliuokalani Armani Azerbaijani Galvani Giuliani cottony runny money funny honey

Meaning of this name is unknown.
Ken Y says: The name in Italian means "Colony" or "family". In Italy, there is a genre of Italian "folk music" referred to as Colani Music. It's possible that the surname Colani was created to indicate to other Italians that the origin of the name is Italy. My opinion is that the name was also created to say to the world that Italians are a family of Italia that will always be of the mindset of Italy. As a man of Italian heritage living in the USA, I see it's meaning as beautiful and it comes to me by way of the late designer Luigi Colani, of whom was born in German of a Swiss father and a Polish mother. I suspect that if this was his original surname from many generations, his father's lineage owes its early origens from Italy's Northern region, as indicated by this website. Thanks for your consideration of my words and thoughts on the matter. Ciao!

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Beroemde mensen: Madeleine Colani, Victor Colani

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