Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Cocolos

We have no records about Cocolos being used as firstname.
De achternaam Cocolos wordt minstens 143 keer gebruikt in ten minste 5 landen.

      Surname Cocolos
Gegeven namen
Nicolae Cocolos (8)
Vasile Cocolos (7)
Dumitru Cocolos (7)
Constantin Cocolos (6)
Ilie Cocolos (6)
Ion Cocolos (6)
Maria Cocolos (5)
Ioan Cocolos (4)
Gheorghe Cocolos (4)
Florea Cocolos (4)
Victor Cocolos (3)
Floarea Cocolos (3)
Elena Cocolos (3)
Lucretia Cocolos (2)
Adriana Cocolos (2)
Marin Cocolos (2)
Romeea Cocolos (2)
Valentin Cocolos (2)
Petre Cocolos (2)
Neculai Cocolos (2)
Mihail Cocolos (2)
Manuela Cocolos (2)
Ioana Cocolos (2)
Coriolan Cocolos (2)
Constanta Cocolos (2)
Caliopi Cocolos (2)
Ana Cocolos (2)
Eugenia Cocolos (2)
Gherghina Cocolos (2)
Florian Cocolos (2)
Radu Cocolos (1)
Petrica Cocolos (1)
Aurel Cocolos (1)
Luciana Cocolos (1)
Rita Cocolos (1)
Angela Cocolos (1)
Stefana Cocolos (1)
Tudor Cocolos (1)
Nicusor Cocolos (1)
Stan Cocolos (1)
Alexandru Cocolos (1)
Alexandra Cocolos (1)
Mircea Cocolos (1)
Leana Cocolos (1)
Leontina Cocolos (1)
Florentina Cocolos (1)
Gabriela Cocolos (1)
Iancu Cocolos (1)
Lucica Cocolos (1)
Luminita Cocolos (1)
Miron Cocolos (1)
Gigi Cocolos (1)
Constantina Cocolos (1)
Eugen Cocolos (1)
Claudiu Cocolos (1)

Cocolos reversed is Solococ
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Ccosool Olcoosc Olocsoc Ocsoolc Soccool Soolcoc
Misspells: Cocoloss Cocolosa Ccoolos Cocolso Cocools

Rijmen: piccolos gigolos solos tremolos hellos hullos bonitos stuccoes stuccos

Meaning of this name is unknown.
Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen: United States Romania Russian Federation United Kingdom Germany Egypt France Bulgaria Satellite Provider Europe Trinidad and Tobago


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