Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Celeapca

We have no records about Celeapca being used as firstname.
De achternaam Celeapca wordt minstens 26 keer gebruikt in ten minste 2 landen. (Romania,Italy)
De oorsprong van deze naam is Ukrainian.

Gegeven namen
Gheorghe Celeapca (6)
Mariana Celeapca (3)
Alexandru Celeapca (2)
Marin Celeapca (2)
Maria Celeapca (1)
Lucian Celeapca (1)
Stana Celeapca (1)
Paul Celeapca (1)
Dida Celeapca (1)
Ioan Celeapca (1)
Cristian Celeapca (1)
Cristea Celeapca (1)
Elena Celeapca (1)
Gherghiana Celeapca (1)
Gherghina Celeapca (1)
Lidia Celeapca (1)

Celeapca reversed is Acpaelec
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Celapeca Ceclepaa Lpeaccae Pacelcea
Misspells: Celeopca Celeapcaa Cleeapca Celeapac Celeacpa

Rijmen: fiesta sierra sienna dilemma septa

Betekenis van de naam van Celeapca is: it comes from the Ukranian word 'celjadka' = 'youth'; it could also be a Romanian version of the Greek names 'Tselepa, Tselepi'; Celeapcă
Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen: United States Romania Italy United Kingdom Moldova Poland

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Old Wiki
Name: Celeapca
Language: Romanian
Origin: Ukrainian
Meaning: it comes from the Ukranian word celjadka = youth; it could also be a Romanian version of the Greek names Tselepa, Tselepi
Comments: Celeapcă

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