Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Birzan

We have no records about Birzan being used as firstname.
De achternaam Birzan wordt minstens 157 keer gebruikt in ten minste 4 landen.
De oorsprong van deze naam is Romanian.

      Surname Birzan
Gegeven namen
Ion Birzan (11)
Nicolae Birzan (10)
Gheorghe Birzan (10)
Maria Birzan (9)
Vasile Birzan (7)
Elena Birzan (7)
Ioan Birzan (6)
Ioana Birzan (6)
Marian Birzan (5)
Aurel Birzan (5)
Dumitru Birzan (5)
Constantin Birzan (4)
Adrian Birzan (3)
Liviu Birzan (3)
Cornel Birzan (3)
Vintila Birzan (3)
Marin Birzan (2)
Mihail Birzan (2)
Nicolaie Birzan (2)
Lucica Birzan (2)
Lidia Birzan (2)
Marcela Birzan (2)
Gabriela Birzan (2)
Costel Birzan (2)
Grigore Birzan (2)
Bogdan Birzan (2)
Aron Birzan (2)
Alexandru Birzan (2)
Ana Birzan (2)
Varvara Birzan (2)
Viorel Birzan (1)
Oprea Birzan (1)
Mircea Birzan (1)
Razvan Birzan (1)
Radu Birzan (1)
Simona Birzan (1)
Sorin Birzan (1)
Traian Birzan (1)
Laura Birzan (1)
Costica Birzan (1)
Dragos Birzan (1)
Corina Birzan (1)
Claudio Birzan (1)
Aurelia Birzan (1)
Emilian Birzan (1)
Florin Birzan (1)
Mariana Birzan (1)
Lucretia Birzan (1)
Lazar Birzan (1)
George Birzan (1)
Marioara Birzan (1)

Birzan reversed is Nazrib
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Nizarb Rbiazn Brianz Irbanz
Misspells: Birzon Bilzan Birrzan Byrzan Bjrzan Berzan Birzana Brizan Birzna Birazn

Rijmen: Tarzan Kazan merman herdsman swordsman

Betekenis van de naam van Birzan is: from the toponym [Birza] plus the termination -an; Bîrzan
Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen: United States Romania France United Kingdom Germany Thailand Indonesia United Arab Emirates Belgium Luxembourg Switzerland Italy Spain Jordan

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Old Wiki
Name: Birzan
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the toponym Birza plus the termination -an
Comments: Bîrzan

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