Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Beligar

We have no records about Beligar being used as firstname.
De achternaam Beligar wordt minstens 20 keer gebruikt in ten minste 2 landen. (Romania,Spain)
De oorsprong van deze naam is Romanian.

Gegeven namen
Maria Beligar (3)
Ovidiu Beligar (2)
Teodor Beligar (2)
Gheorghe Beligar (2)
Veronica Beligar (2)
Juan Beligar (1)
Tamara Beligar (1)
Simion Beligar (1)
Mariana Beligar (1)
Eva Beligar (1)
Florentin Beligar (1)
Ioan Beligar (1)
Aurel Beligar (1)

Beligar reversed is Ragileb
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Bleriag Iglearb Igebral Elriagb Rebliag Raeglib
Misspells: Beligor Beligal Beligarr Belygar Beljgar Belegar Beligara Bleigar Beligra Beliagr

Rijmen: budgerigar cigar Bulgar Edgar Elgar Hagar Hrothgar lugger bugger mugger trucker sucker

Betekenis van de naam van Beligar is: [Beliga] plus the termination -ar ; this termination is characteristic to nouns naming the person that realizes an activity ; in this case 'beligar' is the one that peels the skin of plants ; also spelled Beligăr
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Old Wiki
Name: Beligar
Language: Romanian
Meaning: Beliga plus the termination -ar ; this termination is characteristic to nouns naming the person that realizes an activity ; in this case 'beligar' is the one that peels the skin of plants
Comments: also spelled Beligăr

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