Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Bargello
We have no records about Bargello being used as firstname.
De achternaam Bargello wordt minstens 18 keer gebruikt in ten minste 2 landen. (Germany,Sweden)
Gegeven namen
Jeanne Bargello (5) Verde Bargello (2) Lucia Bargello (1) Maria Bargello (1) Serid Bargello (1) Mirjam Bargello (1) Janet Bargello (1) Ferid Bargello (1) Fehmi Bargello (1) Hanna Bargello (1) Isa Bargello (1) Jakob Bargello (1) Nermin Bargello (1) |
Bargello reversed is Ollegrab
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.
Anagrams: Rlaelbog
Misspells: Borgello Balgello Barrgello Bargelloa Bragello Bargelol
Rijmen: Costello Donatello Monticello Othello Pirandello Uccello bordello modulo populo desarrollo contralto contraflow
Meaning of this name is unknown.
Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen:
![United States:34 United States](/img/United-States-flag.png)
![Germany:21 Germany](/img/Germany-flag.png)
![Austria:3 Austria](/img/Austria-flag.png)
![Thailand:3 Thailand](/img/Thailand-flag.png)
![India:2 India](/img/India-flag.png)
![Turkey:2 Turkey](/img/Turkey-flag.png)
![Australia:2 Australia](/img/Australia-flag.png)
![Pakistan:1 Pakistan](/img/Pakistan-flag.png)
![Belgium:1 Belgium](/img/Belgium-flag.png)
![Italy:1 Italy](/img/Italy-flag.png)
![Sweden:1 Sweden](/img/Sweden-flag.png)
![Switzerland:1 Switzerland](/img/Switzerland-flag.png)
schrijvers: Fehmi Bargello
Boeken: "Bargello (Craft Books)" "Fun with bargello" "Bargello borders" "Needlepoint Bargello" "Bargello Antics" "Free-form bargello" "Four Way Bargello" "Bargello Embroidery" "Bargello Hearts" "Bargello antics" "Bargello Book (Textiles)" "Bargello is easy" "Bargello plus" "Four way bargello" "Needlepoint bargello"
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