Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Avnon

Gebruik: 7% als voornaam, 93% als achternaam.
De voornaam Avnon werd 6 keer gevonden in 2 verschillende landen. (USA,Israel)
De achternaam Avnon wordt minstens 73 keer gebruikt in ten minste 5 landen.
Chinese: 阿夫农 (pinyin: ā fū nóng)

      Surname Avnon


Avnon reversed is Nonva
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Voann Navon Avonn Nvona
Misspells: Ovnon Abnon Avnona Anvon Avnno Avonn

Rijmen: Agamemnon Avignon Cannon Canon Lebanon Lennon Parthenon ashen fashion passion ration fasten

Meaning of this name is unknown.
Dror Avnon says: The name Avnon may be interpreted in Hebrew as an informal diminutive form of the word Even, which means a stone, by adding the suffix "ON". In this diminutive form the suffix is added, but the original word also changes from EVEN to AVN. In common Hebrew writing, there are no vowels, therefore EVEN and AVN are spelled the same. In summary: Even = stone Avnon = small stone Note: My father changed his last name from Vinik to Avnon after immigrating to Israel from Poland in 1940. He considered the phonetic similarity and used an existing Hebrew last name, which he understood to mean a small stone.

Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen: United States Israel Germany Algeria Ukraine Thailand United Kingdom Russian Federation Netherlands Japan Australia


schrijvers: Naftali Avnon, Dan Avnon

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