Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Ashbury

Gebruik: 5% als voornaam, 95% als achternaam.
De voornaam Ashbury werd 15 keer gevonden in 3 verschillende landen.
De achternaam Ashbury wordt minstens 257 keer gebruikt in ten minste 4 landen.
Chinese: 阿什伯里 (pinyin: ā shén bó lǐ)

      Surname Ashbury
Gegeven namen
Elizabeth Ashbury (6)
John Ashbury (3)
Jean Ashbury (3)
Julia Ashbury (3)
Colin Ashbury (3)
Rebecca Ashbury (2)
Fallon Ashbury (2)
Steven Ashbury (2)
George Ashbury (2)
Baccara Ashbury (2)
Charles Ashbury (2)
Diane Ashbury (2)
Joyce Ashbury (1)
Jonah Ashbury (1)
Sonja Ashbury (1)
Sutart Ashbury (1)
Helen Ashbury (1)
Ian Ashbury (1)
Iris Ashbury (1)
Joan Ashbury (1)
Katherine Ashbury (1)
Milly Ashbury (1)
Oliver Ashbury (1)
Pamela Ashbury (1)
Paul Ashbury (1)
Michelle Ashbury (1)
Louisa Ashbury (1)
Kenneth Ashbury (1)
Lee Ashbury (1)
Gordon Ashbury (1)
Lorraine Ashbury (1)
Peter Ashbury (1)
Frederick Ashbury (1)
Brian Ashbury (1)
Angela Ashbury (1)
Carol Ashbury (1)
Christine Ashbury (1)
Claire Ashbury (1)
Alfred Ashbury (1)
Ivan Ashbury (1)
Doug Ashbury (1)
Karen Ashbury (1)
Stan Ashbury (1)
Ernie Ashbury (1)
Clare Ashbury (1)
Daneil Ashbury (1)
Eleanor Ashbury (1)
Finn Ashbury (1)
Megan Ashbury (1)
Gillian Ashbury (1)
Edward Ashbury (1)
Dorothy Ashbury (1)
Daniel Ashbury (1)
David Ashbury (1)
Donald Ashbury (1)
Doreen Ashbury (1)
Glenn Ashbury (1)

Given name Ashbury
Ashbury Evamy (2)
Ashbury College (1)


Ashbury reversed is Yrubhsa
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Ahsybru Busayrh Shybrua Uyhbars Yrsuhba Brayhsu
Misspells: Oshbury Ashbuly Ashburry Asshbury Ashburi Ashburya Ahsbury Ashbuyr Ashbruy

Rijmen: Bloomsbury Bradbury Canterbury Doonesbury Glastonbury Pillsbury Salisbury raspberry blackberry cranberry ancestry abjectly

Betekenis van de naam van Ashbury is: (Origin English) 1) Stronghold. 2) The ashtree hill.
Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen: United States Germany Mexico United Kingdom Austria Thailand Canada France Costa Rica Brazil


Beroemde mensen: William Ashbury Buchanan, James Lloyd Ashbury, Joseph Ashbury

schrijvers: Roy Ashbury, Morgan Ashbury, Michael Ashbury, Lily Ashbury

Boeken: "Haight Ashbury Flashbacks" "The Haight-Ashbury: a history" "Haight Ashbury flashbacks" "Lily Ashbury Sticky Notes" "Lily Ashbury Jotter 2013 Planner" "The Ghosts of Ashbury High"

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