Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Apperly

We have no records about Apperly being used as firstname.
De achternaam Apperly wordt minstens 76 keer gebruikt in ten minste 5 landen.
Chinese: 阿珀利 (pinyin: ā pò lì)

      Surname Apperly
Gegeven namen
Eleanor Apperly (4)
Emma Apperly (4)
Ian Apperly (4)
Jean Apperly (3)
Dennis Apperly (3)
Eliza Apperly (2)
David Apperly (2)
Jane Apperly (2)
Helen Apperly (2)
Herbert Apperly (2)
Hedley Apperly (2)
Ada Apperly (2)
James Apperly (2)
Hazel Apperly (2)
Conrad Apperly (2)
Joe Apperly (1)
Richard Apperly (1)
Ronald Apperly (1)
Tom Apperly (1)
Trevor Apperly (1)
Peggy Apperly (1)
Melanie Apperly (1)
Laurence Apperly (1)
Lionel Apperly (1)
Margaret Apperly (1)
Martin Apperly (1)
Jonathan Apperly (1)
Gillian Apperly (1)
Amanda Apperly (1)
Andrew Apperly (1)
Adele Apperly (1)
Victor Apperly (1)
Ken Apperly (1)
Herb Apperly (1)
Ann Apperly (1)
Belinda Apperly (1)
Claire Apperly (1)
Ross Apperly (1)
Chris Apperly (1)
Caminelle Apperly (1)
Benjamin Apperly (1)
Brenda Apperly (1)
Hayley Apperly (1)

Apperly reversed is Ylreppa
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Appyelr Erpaylp Apepyrl Ppyelra Rypealp Ypapelr Lyraepp
Misspells: Opperly Appelly Apperrly Apperli Apperlya Apperyl Appelry

Rijmen: improperly properly Beverly Kimberly bitterly brotherly cleverly latterly anarchy allergy salary gallery

Meaning of this name is unknown.
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schrijvers: Dennis Apperly, Ian Apperly, Dawn Apperly, Hedley Apperly, Richard Apperly

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