Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Apostol
Gebruik: 13% als voornaam, 87% als achternaam.
De voornaam Apostol werd 1130 keer gevonden in 26 verschillende landen.
De achternaam Apostol wordt minstens 7386 keer gebruikt in ten minste 41 landen.
Het geslacht van de voornaam Apostol is 0% vrouwelijk en 100% mannelijk.
Chinese: 阿波斯托尔 (pinyin: ā bō sī tuō ěr)
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![]() | Familienamen Apostol Ceara (8) Apostol Arnautu (7) Apostol Radu (7) Apostol Popa (6) Apostol Anghel (6) Apostol Armeanu (6) Apostol Ionita (5) Apostol Tudorache (4) Apostol Tulica (4) Apostol Dumitru (4) Apostol Constantin (4) Apostol Ghinea (4) Apostol Apostol (4) Apostol Giurgea (4) Apostol Tunaru (4) Apostol Anastase (4) Apostol Dima (4) Apostol Dinu (4) Apostol Barbu (4) Apostol Manta (4) Apostol Micu (4) Apostol Ion (3) Apostol Nasta (3) Apostol Ionescu (3) Apostol Tudose (3) Apostol Georgescu (3) Apostol Cumita (3) Apostol Maracinescu (3) Apostol Zarcu (3) Apostol Chirulescu (3) Apostol Ilie (3) Apostol Stamate (3) Apostol Titimeaua (3) Apostol Filip (3) Apostol Vasile (3) Apostol Ozarchevici (3) Apostol Apostolov (3) Apostol Bocioaca (3) Apostol Dumitrache (3) Apostol Gheorghiu (3) Apostol Ciocanel (3) Apostol Murgescu (3) Apostol Deliorga (2) Apostol Ulieru (2) Apostol Gigica (2) Apostol Drugea (2) Apostol Vlad (2) Apostol Gheorghe (2) Apostol Folea (2) Apostol Clinciu (2) Apostol Ghiorghita (2) Apostol Blajanu (2) Apostol Zdrali (2) Apostol Nedelcu (2) Apostol Lacatus (2) Apostol Marculescu (2) Apostol Zaharia (2) Apostol Serban (2) Apostol Raicu (2) Apostol Vulgaris (2) Apostol Ciorba (2) Apostol Danea (2) Apostol Vlaciu (2) Apostol Viscea (2) Apostol Barde (2) Apostol Putinei (2) Apostol Sterghiuli (2) Apostol Mitreanga (2) Apostol Panfil (2) Apostol Hategan (2) Apostol Ciaturi (2) Apostol Ruscareanu (2) Apostol Piscu (2) Apostol Cealera (2) Apostol Cosor (2) Apostol Tuzluchi (2) Apostol Bunei (2) Apostol Prapa (2) Apostol Stefanescu (2) Apostol Stoianovici (2) Apostol Nutu (2) Apostol Costinoiu (2) Apostol Catrinescu (2) Apostol Pascu (2) Apostol Pirlog (2) Apostol Doncila (2) Apostol Matache (2) Apostol Halichias (2) Apostol Oprescu (2) Apostol Ciobotaru (2) Apostol Rotariu (2) Apostol Fota (2) Apostol Rusanu (2) Apostol Truica (2) Apostol Buruiana (2) Apostol Pereni (2) Apostol Zapros (2) Apostol Angelov (2) Apostol Londo (2) Apostol Adrian (2) Apostol Savic (2) Apostol Markovic (2) Apostol Lucescu (2) Apostol Olaru (2) Apostol Baboi (2) Apostol Iagaru (2) Apostol Codreanu (2) Apostol Rosca (2) Apostol Serea (2) Apostol Arcuda (2) Apostol Visan (2) Apostol Fetecau (2) Apostol Iordanescu (2) Apostol Mocanu (2) Apostol Manole (2) Apostol Druta (2) Apostol Candachia (2) Apostol Croitoru (2) Apostol Badea (2) Apostol Pricop (2) Apostol Banu (2) Apostol Hodina (2) Apostol Ariton (2) Apostol Lovin (2) Apostol Moise (2) Apostol Harabagiu (2) Apostol Ghimici (2) Apostol Constandache (2) Apostol Maftei (2) Apostol Stegarescu (2) Apostol Levanti (2) Apostol Mihai (2) Apostol Craciunescu (2) Apostol Dumitriu (2) Apostol Panait (2) Apostol Danaila (2) Apostol Gavriliuc (2) Apostol Samoila (2) Apostol Manolache (2) Apostol Marcov (2) Apostol Iftode (2) Apostol Neculai (2) Apostol Borcan (2) Apostol Dragoiu (2) Apostol Iatagan (2) Apostol Nichifor (2) Apostol Deciu (2) Apostol Cristea (2) Apostol Dardac (2) Apostol Penciu (2) Apostol Marin (2) Apostol Chirita (2) Apostol Frigioiu (2) Apostol Garba (2) Apostol Grosoiu (2) Apostol Bojnigeanu (2) Apostol Botoiu (2) Apostol Talaba (2) Apostol Petre (2) Apostol Dutu (2) Apostol Flesaru (2) Apostol Dragomir (2) Apostol Oncescu (2) Apostol Dragnea (2) Apostol Arion (2) Apostol Jarcu (2) Apostol Gigiu (2) Apostol Grigore (2) Apostol Manciu (2) Apostol Matei (2) Apostol Cantaragiu (2) Apostol Mitroiu (2) Apostol Iancu (2) Apostol Zarma (2) Apostol Dogaru (2) Apostol Chiper (2) Apostol Vulpescu (2) Apostol Diaconu (2) Apostol Socarici (2) Apostol Sima (2) Apostol Stambuli (2) Apostol Bita (2) Apostol Serbu (2) Apostol Huiu (2) Apostol Andrei (2) Apostol Spiru (2) Apostol Serghe (2) Apostol Moldoveanu (2) Apostol Andronic (2) Apostol Dulgheru (2) Apostol Buta (2) Apostol Comanescu (2) Apostol Taralunga (2) Apostol Ababei (2) Apostol Novac (2) Apostol Stanciu (2) Apostol Vaneata (2) Apostol Chitea (2) Apostol Creasta (2) Apostol Simion (2) |

Apostol reversed is Lotsopa
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.
Anagrams: Stopola Apsolto Polsota Tlosaop Lpaosot Loptosa Oltasop Soalopt
Misspells: Opostol Aposstol Apostola Aopstol Apostlo Aposotl
Rijmen: Bristol pistol Capitol Geritol capitol extol capital animal affable palatal national
Betekenis van de naam van Apostol is: Bulgarian and Macedonian form of APOSTOLOS
ioan baci says: I'm loking for Marina Apostol Romania Bucharest 58 years old
Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen:

Domeinen - REGISTERED - REGISTERED - REGISTERED - REGISTERED | Old Wiki Name: Apostol Language: Romanian Origin: Greek Meaning: apostle; biblic name Comments: |
Beroemde mensen: Iulian Cătălin Apostol, Paul Apostol, Danylo Apostol, Apostol Aleksandrov Popov, Apostol Arsache, Tyson Apostol, Apostol Milev Karamitev, Apostol Petkov or the Sun of YeniceVardar, Ioan Apostol
schrijvers: Barbara Apostolou, Dimitris Apostolou, Dean Apostol, Gina Apostol, Jane Apostol, I. Apostol, Apostoles Andreou, Apostolic Teaching, Edward Apostol, Apostol Stan, C Apostol, Anna Apostolou, C. Apostol, Irini Apostolou, Klaas Apostol, Nicholas Apostolou CPA DBA, World Apostolate of Fatima, Maro Philippa-Apostolou
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