Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Almajeanu

We have no records about Almajeanu being used as firstname.
De achternaam Almajeanu wordt minstens 18 keer gebruikt in ten minste 3 landen.
De oorsprong van deze naam is Romanian.
Chinese: 阿尔马热亚努 (pinyin: ā ěr mǎ rè yà nǔ)

      Surname Almajeanu
Gegeven namen
Marin Almajeanu (3)
Alexandru Almajeanu (2)
Gabriela Almajeanu (2)
Constantin Almajeanu (2)
Nelu Almajeanu (1)
Suzanne Almajeanu (1)
Leonte Almajeanu (1)
Aurica Almajeanu (1)
Marian Almajeanu (1)

Almajeanu reversed is Unaejamla
Name contains 9 letters - 55.56% vowels and 44.44% consonants.

Anagrams: Julaanema Alamaunej Amelnuaja
Misspells: Olmajeanu Almaieanu Almajeanua Amlajeanu Almajeaun Almajenau

Rijmen: ave absolu kamandalu subhanahu

Betekenis van de naam van Almajeanu is: it could refer to 'Almaj', the name of a village in Romania; Almăjeanu
Almajeanu says: origin of name is also the mountain from Romania , Mountains Almajului ,the family being original from there ,just a few persons have this surname the termination"eanu " is a normal termination for surnames in romania

Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen: United States France Spain United Kingdom Italy Romania Thailand Germany Austria Belgium


Old Wiki
Name: Almajeanu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: it could refer to Almaj, the name of a village in Romania
Comments: Almăjeanu

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