Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Abbatino

We have no records about Abbatino being used as firstname.
De achternaam Abbatino wordt minstens 51 keer gebruikt in ten minste 2 landen. (Canada,Italy)
Chinese: 阿巴蒂诺 (pinyin: ā bā dì nuò)

Gegeven namen
Vincenzo Abbatino (3)
Antonio Abbatino (3)
Romualdo Abbatino (2)
Concetta Abbatino (2)
Carlo Abbatino (2)
Rosario Abbatino (2)
Giuseppe Abbatino (2)
Salvatore Abbatino (2)
Donatella Abbatino (2)
Nino Abbatino (1)
Michele Abbatino (1)
Rosa Abbatino (1)
Vito Abbatino (1)
Vincenzina Abbatino (1)
Marianna Abbatino (1)
Rita Abbatino (1)
Giovanni Abbatino (1)
Antonella Abbatino (1)
Anna Abbatino (1)
Andrea Abbatino (1)
Luigi Abbatino (1)
Carmela Abbatino (1)
Carmelo Abbatino (1)
Luca Abbatino (1)
Giovanna Abbatino (1)
Cosimo Abbatino (1)
Cira Abbatino (1)
Lucia Abbatino (1)


Abbatino reversed is Onitabba
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Aabbotni Nbaitboa Aibatnob Boanibta
Misspells: Obbatino Abbatyno Abbatjno Abbateno Abbatinoa Abbation Abbatnio

Rijmen: Latino Faustino Valentino Aquino Dino amino cappuccino chino neutrino

Meaning of this name is unknown.
Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen: United States Italy Canada Germany Sweden Thailand Europe Brazil Finland


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