Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Metcalfe

Gebruik: 2% als voornaam, 98% als achternaam.
De voornaam Metcalfe werd 169 keer gevonden in 5 verschillende landen.
De achternaam Metcalfe wordt minstens 7037 keer gebruikt in ten minste 32 landen.
Chinese: 梅特卡夫 (pinyin: méi té kǎ fū)

      Surname Metcalfe
Gegeven namen
John Metcalfe (60)
David Metcalfe (57)
Andrew Metcalfe (45)
James Metcalfe (33)
Robert Metcalfe (32)
Brian Metcalfe (29)
Christopher Metcalfe (26)
Anthony Metcalfe (21)
Ian Metcalfe (21)
Ann Metcalfe (19)
Alan Metcalfe (19)
Aaron Metcalfe (18)
Michael Metcalfe (17)
Helen Metcalfe (17)
Thomas Metcalfe (16)
Elizabeth Metcalfe (16)
Daniel Metcalfe (16)
Donna Metcalfe (15)
Alison Metcalfe (14)
Margaret Metcalfe (14)
Caroline Metcalfe (14)
Anne Metcalfe (14)
Paul Metcalfe (14)
Richard Metcalfe (13)
William Metcalfe (13)
Barry Metcalfe (13)
Angela Metcalfe (12)
Lisa Metcalfe (12)
Mark Metcalfe (12)
Amanda Metcalfe (12)
Sarah Metcalfe (12)
Alexander Metcalfe (12)
Adrian Metcalfe (12)
Claire Metcalfe (11)
Patricia Metcalfe (11)
Adam Metcalfe (11)
Emma Metcalfe (11)
Edward Metcalfe (11)
Peter Metcalfe (11)
Christine Metcalfe (11)
Susan Metcalfe (10)
Charlotte Metcalfe (10)
Neil Metcalfe (10)
Anna Metcalfe (10)
Laura Metcalfe (10)
Alex Metcalfe (10)
Kevin Metcalfe (10)
Bill Metcalfe (10)
Joan Metcalfe (9)
Deborah Metcalfe (9)
George Metcalfe (9)
Catherine Metcalfe (9)
Allan Metcalfe (9)
Ada Metcalfe (9)
Ashley Metcalfe (9)
Barbara Metcalfe (9)
Benjamin Metcalfe (9)
Gary Metcalfe (9)
Craig Metcalfe (9)
Gordon Metcalfe (9)
Jennifer Metcalfe (9)
Audrey Metcalfe (8)
Mary Metcalfe (8)
Abigail Metcalfe (8)
Karen Metcalfe (8)
Denise Metcalfe (8)
Carol Metcalfe (8)
Dennis Metcalfe (8)
Hugh Metcalfe (8)
Donald Metcalfe (8)
Amy Metcalfe (8)
Jane Metcalfe (8)
Carl Metcalfe (7)
Ron Metcalfe (7)
Julie Metcalfe (7)
Glenn Metcalfe (7)
Louise Metcalfe (7)
Leonard Metcalfe (7)
Kenneth Metcalfe (7)
Ross Metcalfe (7)
Stephen Metcalfe (7)
Charles Metcalfe (7)
Eric Metcalfe (7)
Heather Metcalfe (6)
Bernard Metcalfe (6)
Ray Metcalfe (6)
Darren Metcalfe (6)
Andrea Metcalfe (6)
Ben Metcalfe (6)
Leroy Metcalfe (6)
Sharon Metcalfe (6)
Betty Metcalfe (6)
Trevor Metcalfe (6)
Annie Metcalfe (6)
Anita Metcalfe (6)
Jason Metcalfe (6)
Ronald Metcalfe (6)
Adele Metcalfe (6)
Dorothy Metcalfe (6)
Matthew Metcalfe (6)
Martin Metcalfe (6)
Jean Metcalfe (6)
Clare Metcalfe (6)
Rick Metcalfe (6)
Bruce Metcalfe (6)
Ken Metcalfe (6)
Brenda Metcalfe (6)
Simon Metcalfe (6)
Diane Metcalfe (6)
Terry Metcalfe (6)
Steven Metcalfe (6)
Harry Metcalfe (5)
Elaine Metcalfe (5)
Albert Metcalfe (5)
Geoffrey Metcalfe (5)
Rebecca Metcalfe (5)
Antony Metcalfe (5)
Lucy Metcalfe (5)
Chris Metcalfe (5)
Janet Metcalfe (5)
Duncan Metcalfe (5)
Dale Metcalfe (5)
Lee Metcalfe (5)
Roger Metcalfe (5)
Victoria Metcalfe (5)
Jonathan Metcalfe (5)
Colin Metcalfe (5)
Kate Metcalfe (5)
Arthur Metcalfe (5)
Hilary Metcalfe (5)
Katie Metcalfe (5)
Fred Metcalfe (5)
Michelle Metcalfe (4)
Scott Metcalfe (4)
Doreen Metcalfe (4)
Rachael Metcalfe (4)
Jim Metcalfe (4)
Jessica Metcalfe (4)
Emily Metcalfe (4)
Della Metcalfe (4)
Calum Metcalfe (4)
Judith Metcalfe (4)
Garry Metcalfe (4)
Jack Metcalfe (4)
Alice Metcalfe (4)
Sandra Metcalfe (4)
Phillip Metcalfe (4)
Nancy Metcalfe (4)
Beryl Metcalfe (4)
Bernadette Metcalfe (4)
Raymond Metcalfe (4)
Joseph Metcalfe (4)
Stephanie Metcalfe (4)
Blair Metcalfe (4)
Dawn Metcalfe (4)
Jeff Metcalfe (4)
Keith Metcalfe (4)
Carolyn Metcalfe (4)
Frank Metcalfe (4)
Alistair Metcalfe (4)
Joanna Metcalfe (3)
Jill Metcalfe (3)
Bryan Metcalfe (3)
Carla Metcalfe (3)
Georgina Metcalfe (3)
Nigel Metcalfe (3)
Gillian Metcalfe (3)
Nicholas Metcalfe (3)
Janice Metcalfe (3)
Carly Metcalfe (3)
Roy Metcalfe (3)
Norman Metcalfe (3)
June Metcalfe (3)
Bertram Metcalfe (3)
Katherine Metcalfe (3)
Collette Metcalfe (3)
Beverley Metcalfe (3)
Doris Metcalfe (3)
Hazel Metcalfe (3)
Debra Metcalfe (3)
Kathryn Metcalfe (3)
Henry Metcalfe (3)
Eileen Metcalfe (3)
Alexandra Metcalfe (3)
Graeme Metcalfe (3)
Fiona Metcalfe (3)
Cheryl Metcalfe (3)
Graham Metcalfe (3)
Joyce Metcalfe (3)
Linda Metcalfe (3)
Elena Metcalfe (3)
Clive Metcalfe (3)
Joanne Metcalfe (3)
Nora Metcalfe (3)
Tracy Metcalfe (3)
Mike Metcalfe (3)
Gloria Metcalfe (3)
Maureen Metcalfe (3)
Stuart Metcalfe (3)
Sam Metcalfe (3)

Given name Metcalfe
Metcalfe Sophie (1)
Metcalfe Alban (1)
Metcalfe Roselyn (1)
Metcalfe Adele (1)
Metcalfe Shillington (1)

Metcalfe   Metcalfe   Metcalfe   

Metcalfe reversed is Eflactem
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Tleafmec
Misspells: Metcolfe Metcalfea Mtecalfe Metcalef Metcafle

Rijmen: Wolfe tariff sheriff

Meaning of this name is unknown.
Deze pagina is bezocht uit de volgende landen: United States Germany France United Kingdom Canada Australia Ireland Europe Brazil South Africa Netherlands Turkey Singapore Malaysia Spain Mexico India Romania Poland United Arab Emirates Sweden Norway Hungary Switzerland Argentina Algeria Panama Lithuania Pakistan Indonesia Macedonia Peru Kuwait Croatia Saudi Arabia Finland Albania Israel Botswana Cameroon Bosnia and Herzegovina Barbados Ukraine Thailand Czech Republic Austria Philippines Tunisia Guyana Chile Malta Greece Venezuela Italy Bulgaria Uruguay New Zealand Colombia Bangladesh


Beroemde mensen: Charles Theophilus Metcalfe, Robert Melancton "Bob" Metcalfe, Glenn Hayden Metcalfe , Stuart Metcalfe

schrijvers: Marian Metcalfe, Anne Metcalfe, Judith Metcalfe, Jack Metcalfe, Peter Metcalfe, Phillip Metcalfe, Jenni Metcalfe, Rex Metcalfe, Jill Metcalfe, Joannah Metcalfe

Boeken: "Metcalfe: history of the Clan"

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