Statistieken en betekenis van de naam van Hajib

Gebruik: 39% als voornaam, 61% als achternaam.
De voornaam Hajib werd 27 keer gevonden in 8 verschillende landen.
De achternaam Hajib wordt minstens 42 keer gebruikt in ten minste 7 landen.
De oorsprong van deze naam is Urdu.
Het geslacht van de voornaam Hajib is 0% vrouwelijk en 100% mannelijk.
Chinese: 哈吉卜 (pinyin: hā jí bo)

      Surname Hajib
Gegeven namen
Hamid Hajib (2)
Mohamed Hajib (2)
Zahra Hajib (1)
Said Hajib (1)
Rachida Hajib (1)
Najate Hajib (1)
Icham Hajib (1)
Abdelhay Hajib (1)
Mustapha Hajib (1)
Parwany Hajib (1)
Abdellah Hajib (1)
Nabila Hajib (1)
Mostafa Hajib (1)
Abdelali Hajib (1)
Abdel Hajib (1)
Pascale Hajib (1)
Karim Hajib (1)
Abdeltif Hajib (1)
Fatiha Hajib (1)
Abdul Hajib (1)
Loubna Hajib (1)
Hassan Hajib (1)
Hajiba Hajib (1)

Given name Hajib
Hajib Boudrar (1)
Hajib Taibi (1)
Hajib Benfatah (1)
Hajib Atik (1)
Hajib Helouane (1)
Hajib Najib (1)


Hajib reversed is Bijah
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Hajbi Ibjah Bhaij Haibj Haijb Bajih Jaibh Hjabi
Misspells: Hojib Hajyb Hajjb Haiib Hajeb Hajiba Hjaib Hajbi Haijb

Rijmen: Mujib jib grebe dweeb speech speed steep

Betekenis van de naam van Hajib is: Doorman, janitor, bailiff, eyebrow, edge, covering
hajib says: A hajib or hadjib (Arabic: الحاجب‎, tr. al-ḥājib [æl ˈħæːdʒib]) was a court official, equivalent to a chamberlain, in the early Muslim world, which evolved to fulfil various functions, often serving as chief ministers or enjoying dictatorial powers. The post appeared under the Umayyad Caliphate, but gained in influence and prestige in the more settled court of the Abbasids, under whom it ranked as one of the senior offices of the state, alongside the vizier. From the Caliphates, the post spread to other areas under Muslim dominion: in al-Andalus the hajib was always superior to the vizier and by the 10th century had come to wield enormous power; in the eastern dynasties, the Samanids, Buyids and Ghaznavids, the title acquired a mainly military role; under the Seljuks, Ilkhanids and Timurids it reverted to its role as a court official; in Fatimid Egypt, the chief hajib, styled Sahib al-bab ("Master of the Gate") or hajib al-hujjab ("chamberlain of chamberlains, head chamberlain") was also an important official; under the Mamluks, they acquired important judicial duties.

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